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  • About 43% of U. S. Adults report having grown up in a household with or married an alcoholic or a problem drinker, or had a blood relative who was diagnosed with alcoholism or who was a problem drinker.
  • Social factors can often contribute to alcoholism, as many alcoholics often have poor social skills and do not function well in a variety of social situations. These individuals may initially begin to drink in order to feel more comfortable in social situations, but may later cross over the invisible line between social drinking into alcoholism.
  • Studies show that in the United States, 50 to 60 percent of physical attacks in the home involved alcohol use. One-third to one-half of all batterers are reported to be problem drinkers.
  • Your kidneys are not able to function properly when you consume alcohol; this organ helps to regulate the fluids and electrolytes in the body and helps to filter out bodily waste.

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